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Lüdenscheid, February 2018. Light is the fourth dimension of architecture. And every form of architecture is unique. Based on this philosophy, ERCO is designing a completely new and significantly larger fair stand at this year's Light+Building. Specific lighting solutions for a variety of applications such as Work, Community, Shop, Culture and Contemplation can be experienced on the stand in one-to-one spatial displays. In addition to several new products, insights into the use of new technologies as well as "ERCO individual" services for customer-specific products will also be presented.
How is light able to promote concentration and stimulate communication in worlds of work? How is a shop transformed into a unique brand experience? Which type of light enables the emotional experiencing of art without damaging the exhibits? The demands made of lighting solutions are highly diverse and sophisticated. Increasingly special applications require appropriate planning and highly differentiated product concepts. ERCO's exhibition stand at Light+Building from 18 to 23 March 2018 in Frankfurt am Main presents light within the context of a variety of lighting concepts. The effect and impact of perception-orientated lighting can be specifically experienced in different application rooms and lighting experts are available for discussions. The focus of the presentation is on the five application areas of office and administration building, public building, shopping worlds, museums and galleries as well as religious buildings. A "Work" installation demonstrates how light within a digitally networked knowledge society supports both concentration and dialogue whilst simultaneously being flexible. A "Community" display enables scenographies with images of airports, libraries and conference halls to interact with real light scenes specifically designed for high rooms. A presentation focusing on “Shop” elucidates the interplay of lighting design, product display and shopping experience. Two contrasting room halves representing the "culture" application communicate the effect of spots setting light accents in darker rooms and uniform wallwashing in brighter rooms. A place of stillness relating to the "contemplation" segment in construction projects demonstrates how a contemplative atmosphere can be created in sacred buildings with carefully planned hierarchies of light.
ERCO will be showing a diversity of new products at the fair that fully comply with the wide range of demands made within the various applications. For the world of work, the successful Compar range of recessed luminaires has been enhanced with minimalist pendant luminaires featuring tuneable white for daylight sequences in offices. Flexible office layouts are enabled by the new Skim downlight for track. Public buildings with large room dimensions benefit from Compar recessed luminaires with 24 LEDs, even higher lumen-output Quintessence double focus downlights (now with matching wallwashers), and the completely new Stella range of spotlights for applications demanding especially high light intensity. For impressive retail displays, the reliable Gimbal recessed spotlight has been supplemented by a clever version suitable for installing into ceiling channels. If the installation location has no channels the new and highly flexible ceiling channel system from ERCO can also be implemented. This will be shown together with the new Shop spotlights equipped with ERCO's in-house developed, COB-based lighting technology with Spherolit lenses and a wide selection of different light spectra and colour temperatures.
Even the widest product range cannot meet every conceivable requirement for perception-oriented lighting. However, even in these cases ERCO is your ideal partner for optimum lighting solutions. Under the name of ERCO individual, product concepts and services are presented that enable designers and technical planners to develop the perfect solution for their specific tasks together with the lighting company. The extensive application expertise and decades of experience with special products, together with new forms of generative production methods enable ERCO to rapidly produce lighting tools for sophisticated architecture in compliance with the needs of the project. Appropriate specialists and engineers are available for discussions.
To appropriately demonstrate the extent of lighting experiences, new products and services, ERCO has significantly enlarged and redesigned its stand at Light+Building. The new and clearly structured stand with an in-house developed, modular construction is characterised by the use of sustainable materials and is also extensively reusable - in essence, exemplary contemporary architecture for trade fairs. In addition to a diversity of light experiences and extensive product areas, the Café Candela and informal seating areas offer a warm welcome to relax and communicate.
The world's leading fair for light and building technology
18 - 23 March 2018
Frankfurt am Main
Hall 3.0 | Booth A10-11
Die ERCO Lichtfabrik mit Sitz in Lüdenscheid ist ein führender Spezialist für Architekturbeleuchtung mit LED-Technologie. Das 1934 gegründete Familienunternehmen operiert weltweit in knapp 40 Ländern mit über 60 Tochtergesellschaften, Niederlassungen und Vertretungen. Seit 2015 basiert das Produktprogramm vollständig auf LED-Technologie. Unter dem Leitmotiv "light digital" entwickelt, gestaltet und produziert ERCO in Lüdenscheid digitale Leuchten mit den Schwerpunkten lichttechnische Optiken, Elektronik und Design. Die Lichtwerkzeuge entstehen in engem Kontakt mit Architekten, Lichtplanern und Elektroplanern und kommen primär in den folgenden Anwendungsbereichen zum Einsatz: Work und Shop, Culture und Community, Hospitality, Living, Public und Contemplation. ERCO versteht digitales Licht als die vierte Dimension der Architektur - und unterstützt Planer dabei, ihre Projekte mit hochpräzisen, effizienten Lichtlösungen in die Realität zu überführen. Sollten Sie weiterführende Informationen zu ERCO oder Bildmaterial wünschen, besuchen Sie uns bitte auf Gerne liefern wir Ihnen auch Material zu Projekten weltweit für Ihre Berichterstattung.
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