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Two years ago, ERCO presented its new generation of Beamer projectors. They brought the perfectly diffused Darklight lens technology of high-quality museum spotlights to the outdoor space. Now the new size L has been added to the existing sizes S and M ? for even more power. Their precisely focussed light achieves up to 866 lx from a distance of 10 metres. Also new in size L: Beamer contour projector for sharp-edged illumination of target areas without light pollution.\par \par Since their introduction, the projectors of the new Beamer generation have proven to be both precise and adaptive lighting instruments. They enable design with light in outdoor spaces with the finest nuances and the highest precision, ensuring that illuminated surfaces and objects appear optimal while darkness remains dark. The expansion of the Beamer family extends the choice of output levels and lumen packages. In addition, the larger housing also offers space for contour optics, whose properties are particularly relevant in the interest of Dark Sky and the avoidance of light pollution.\par \par Focussed projection ? in the interest of dark sky\par \par The centrepiece of the new Beamer contour projectors is a projection lens with four adjustable contour sliders. It gives users the ability to evenly illuminate sharply defined rectangular areas. For example, the facade of a building, a company sign or a mural. In contrast to conventional projectors, the light from the contour projector precisely hits the target area or object, fully in line with Dark Sky technology. The illuminated surface seems to glow magically from within. This effect is further enhanced by Beamer?s light-proof housing, as the light source remains completely inconspicuous. Beamer contour projectors with wide framing or narrow framing characteristics are available to optimise the effect to the distance and size of the target area. In addition, the various ERCO light colours as well as tunable white and RGBW offer even more creative scope for sharp-edged outdoor illumination.\par \par With all the good genes of the Beamer family\par \par Externally, the Beamer contour projectors differ from the other Beamer projectors in size L by the longer light head that protects the projection optics. In addition, the new products share all the features that already characterise the existing Beamer projectors in sizes S and M: For example, the corrosion-free housing, exceptional light quality, adaptivity and digital connectivity. In addition to proven interfaces such as DALI, there is the option of wirelessly controlling and configuring Beamer projectors with Casambi Bluetooth. The flexible installation, which may be carried out via a mounting plate or a G1/2 connection thread depending on the structural situation, also remains unchanged. This means that even the large Beamer projectors can be quickly and securely mounted on the ground, on the facade or on high masts with the appropriate accessories. A dial on the swivel joint facilitates alignment.\par \par Also in size L: Optics for every situation\par \par With a diameter of 193mm, the Beamer projectors in the new size L deliver luminous fluxes of up to 2,797lm with a connected load of 35W. This means that their light beam can also cover large distances to the target surface and create powerful accents. In size L, the selection of interchangeable Darklight optics for rotationally symmetrical light beams corresponds to its smaller siblings and ranges from narrow spot (5°) to extra wide flood (82°). Other practical light distributions such as oval flood (19° x 65°), oval wide flood (60° x 87°) or wallwash utilise the proven Spherolit lens technology developed by ERCO. There are also two continuously adjustable optics: zoom spot (17°- 66°) and zoom oval (28°x 68° - 66°x 71°). Additional lenses and filters as accessories enable further fine tuning.\par \par With the new size L and the contour projectors, the extended Beamer family offers an even wider selection of high-precision lighting tools than previously. Thus everyone benefits: Lighting designers are provided with solutions to a wide range of lighting tasks. And people in urban areas enjoy the attractive effects of light that is free from glare, whilst nature and the night sky are unaffected by spill light.\par \par Discover Beamer:\par \par youtube.com/watch\par \par More about Beamer:\par \par erco.com/press/7940/en_us\par \par Technical features\par \par \par \par \par \par ERCO lens system:\par \par lens optic made of optical polymer (Darklight lens or Spherolit lens)\par \par \par \par \par \par Distributions:\par \par \par \par Narrow spot (5°),\par \par Spot (17°),\par \par Flood (28°),\par \par Zoom spot (17° × 66°),\par \par Zoom oval (28° × 68° ? 66° × 71°),\par \par Wide flood (47°),\par \par Extra wide flood (82°),\par \par Oval flood (19° × 65°),\par \par Oval wide flood (60° × 87°),\par \par Wallwash (gleichmäßige Wandflutung),\par \par Narrow framing,\par \par Wide framing\par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par ERCO LED module:\par \par High-power LED\par \par \par \par \par \par Light colours:\par \par \par \par 3000K R92, 4000K Ra82, tunable white (2700K ? 7500K) or RGBW.\par \par On request: 2700K Ra92, 3000K Ra97, 3500 Ra 92, 4000K Ra92\par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par Housing:\par \par Graphit m\par \par \par \par \par \par Mounting:\par \par mounting plate or G1/2 connection thread\par \par \par \par \par \par Control gear:\par \par switchable, DALI dimmable, ?Casambi Bluetooth \par \par \par \par \par \par \par \par td {\par \par padding: 0 2rem 0 0;\par \par vertical-align: top;\par \par }\par \par \par \par \par About ERCO\par \par ERCO is an international specialist for high-quality and digital architectural lighting. The family-owned company, founded in 1934, operates globally in 55 countries with independent sales organisations and partners.\par \par ERCO understands light as the fourth dimension of architecture ? and thus as an integral part of sustainable building. Light is the contribution to making society and architecture better and, at the same time, preserving our environment. ERCO Greenology® ? the corporate strategy for sustainable lighting ? combines ecological responsibility with technological expertise.\par \par At the light factory in Lüdenscheid, Germany, ERCO develops, designs and manufactures luminaires with a focus on photometric optics, electronics and sustainable design. The lighting tools are developed in close collaboration with architects, lighting designers and electrical designers. They are used primarily in the following applications: Work and Culture, Community and Public/Outdoor, Contemplation, Living, Shop and Hospitality. ERCO lighting experts support designers worldwide in transforming their projects into reality with highly precise, efficient and sustainable lighting solutions.\par \par If you require any further information on ERCO or image material, please visit us at www.erco.com/press. We can also provide you with material on projects worldwide for your media coverage.}}