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Sustainability is a central theme in architecture. Globally, the construction industry accounts for about 38% of greenhouse gas emissions, factoring in both construction processes and building operations. Manufacturing companies are therefore tasked with making production processes more sustainable to contribute to more environmentally friendly construction. ERCO offers sustainable lighting solutions that are extremely efficient in application and produced with resource conservation in mind. For this commitment, the company has been awarded the EcoVadis Silver Medal.\par \par EcoVadis is a globally leading platform for documenting the sustainability performance of companies. The organisation also supports supply chain analysis and compliance to help identify risks and comply with statutory provisions such as the German Supply Chain Duty of Care Act.\par \par The evaluation includes 21 sustainability criteria across categories such as "Environment", "Labour and Human Rights", "Ethics" and "Sustainable Procurement". By being awarded the silver medal, ERCO ranks among the top 15% of over 100,000 companies assessed in 2024. In the overall evaluation, the specialist in LED architectural lighting achieved 93 out of 100 points ? just two points shy of the gold medal. ERCO performed above the industry average in all categories.\par \par "We view sustainability as an integral part of our corporate strategy. For us, as a medium-sized company not yet obligated to report on sustainability, assessing the status quo of our processes was an important step, and the Silver award is a great success. The EcoVadis classification confirms our consistent commitment to sustainable production and the application of our lighting solutions. Above all, it motivates us to continuously improve our corporate processes in line with sustainability criteria", says Marcus Schramm, General Manager of ERCO.\par \par The Silver Medal is not only an important milestone for the company itself, but also a decisive factor for project partners. For example, criteria for a sustainable, transparent supply chain on the manufacturer's side are confirmed by the EcoVadis award.\par \par ERCO Greenology is the sustainability strategy for developing durable luminaires. Through the "Lighting Durability" approach, ERCO designs and builds products with a service life of at least 20 years. The products are highly effective in use: Thanks to high-precision lighting technology systems developed in-house, light is directed precisely onto the target surface without scattering losses. This ensures light is used only where needed.\par \par \par About ERCO\par \par ERCO is an international specialist for high-quality and digital architectural lighting. The family-owned company, founded in 1934, operates globally in 55 countries with independent sales organisations and partners.\par \par ERCO understands light as the fourth dimension of architecture ? and thus as an integral part of sustainable building. Light is the contribution to making society and architecture better and, at the same time, preserving our environment. ERCO Greenology® ? the corporate strategy for sustainable lighting ? combines ecological responsibility with technological expertise.\par \par At the light factory in Lüdenscheid, Germany, ERCO develops, designs and manufactures luminaires with a focus on photometric optics, electronics and sustainable design. The lighting tools are developed in close collaboration with architects, lighting designers and electrical designers. They are used primarily in the following applications: Work and Culture, Community and Public/Outdoor, Contemplation, Living, Shop and Hospitality. ERCO lighting experts support designers worldwide in transforming their projects into reality with highly precise, efficient and sustainable lighting solutions.\par \par If you require any further information on ERCO or image material, please visit us at www.erco.com/press. We can also provide you with material on projects worldwide for your media coverage.}}