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It was inaugurated in 1998, and as Australia's largest university art gallery is an anchor point in the cultural life of the region. Upgrading of the lighting to LED technology from ERCO opens up new design options for the exhibition organisers.\par \par Two ceramic artists: in the form of Pippin Drysdale and Warrick Palmateer, the John Curtin Gallery presented two creative positions at the end of 2018 that both separate and connect. An intense dialogue in which the consistent, uniform quality of the lighting forms the aesthetic backdrop - the gallery had previously replaced its original ERCO system of halogen spotlights and floodlights with the latest generation of ERCO LED lighting tools. With their special lens systems the new luminaires offer not only efficiency and high visual comfort, but also light beams that come very close to an ideal, as well as the flexibility of interchangeable Spherolit optics for different light distributions and beam angles. In this way, gallery technicians were able to metaphorically carve the exhibits out of the darkness of the rooms with practically no spill light. The uniform light beams of the Optec spotlights perfectly model the ceramic forms, making the finest details and colour nuances perceptible. \par \par This applies both to the groups of smaller objects from Pippin Drysdale's "Devils Marbles II" series arranged on platforms, and to the large terracotta bodies placed on the floor in Warrick Palmateer's "Meridian Arc" series. The new portfolio of lighting tools for the gallery is rounded off by Pantrac wallwashers for track mounting and Optec contour spotlights which enable the works of art appear to shine from within thanks to crisp-edged illumination: Director Chris Malcolm and his team at the John Curtin Gallery are convinced that this equipment allows works of art in a wide variety of formats and media to be ideally showcased - and they're keenly looking forward to forthcoming exhibitions!\par \par Project data\par \par Client: John Curtin Gallery, Perth\par \par Lighting Design: Chris Malcolm, John Curtin\par \par Electrical engineering: BEST Consultants, Joe Romano, Perth\par \par System integrator: Lynx Integrated Systems, Perth\par \par Electrical installation: Williams Electrical Service, Balcatta\par \par ERCO Partner: Lighting Options Australia\par \par Photography: Matt Devlin, Perth\par \par Products: Optec, Pantrac\par \par Photo credits: © ERCO GmbH, www.erco.com, 
photography: Matt Devlin, Perth\par \par \par About ERCO\par \par The ERCO Light Factory in Lüdenscheid is a leading international specialist in architectural lighting using LED technology. The family business, founded in 1934, now operates as a global player with over 60 subsidiaries, branches and agencies in over 40 countries worldwide. Since 2015 ERCO's portfolio has been 100% LED. Inspired by "light digital" as its leitmotif, ERCO in Lüdenscheid develops, designs and produces digital luminaires with focus on photometrics, electronics and design. Working closely with architects, lighting designers and engineers, ERCO develops lighting tools used primarily for applications in the following fields: Work, Shop, Culture, Community, Hospitality, Living, Public and Contemplation. ERCO understands digital light as the fourth dimension of architecture - providing highly precise and efficient lighting solutions to support creative designers in turning their visions into reality.\par \par If you require any further information on ERCO or image material, please visit us at www.erco.com/presse. We can also provide you with material on projects worldwide for your media coverage.}}