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ERCO understands digital light as the fourth dimension of architecture. In other words, the luminaire is a lighting tool with a practical purpose, enabling the user to design and model space. By introducing the new Light Finder app ERCO has launched an intuitive planning tool with product search functionality, helping you get into lighting design using LED technology. Each search additionally offers visual inspiration and basic knowledge for qualitative lighting design.\par \par Are you planning to illuminate an interior or exterior space, objects in the room or on the wall? Does the light need to be warm white or neutral white and be dimmable? The detailed requirements in the field of architectural lighting design vary hugely from project to project. ERCO?s Light Finder aids the creative process of designing the right lighting concept from the very first step. With space- and application-oriented graphics, the intuitively operated tool guides architects, designers and builders quickly to the ideal LED lighting solution. The app stores data offline on any iPad, making it particularly helpful when there may not be a reliable data connection.\par \par An inspirational planning guide\par \par With an in-depth planning section, the Light Finder satisfies all the requirements of creative architectural lighting based on precision photometrics. Step by step, the interactive planning tool takes the user through up to ten criteria ranging from general questions through to specific details, aided by easy to understand graphics. These, for instance, define spatial zones, types of lighting, luminaire shapes, mounting details and lighting control systems. At the end of this process, the tool provides an overview of suitable ERCO LED luminaires including technical data and product features. In addition, the user can download tender documents, 3D and planning data for light distribution, and image material for further planning. The search results can then be saved in a personal myERCO archive and shared with other project participants.\par \par Interactive graphics offer light knowledge\par \par To consider the various design options and light effects of ERCO digital lighting tools, the user can swipe to access additional information on various issues. Swiping right takes the user to an extensive photo archive with images of ERCO lighting projects from around the world, demonstrating how designers have solved the relevant lighting issue in the field. A left swipe retrieves basic knowledge on perception-orientated lighting design. The interactive modules allow the user to view different solutions that meet his requirements. This makes the app a knowledge base with different dimensions for creative and technical designers as well as for ERCO sales consultants.\par \par Technical information\par \par Name: ERCO Light Finder\par \par System requirements: Requires iOS 8.0 or higher. Compatible with iPad, iPhone and iPod touch\par \par Language: English\par \par Availability: App Store\par \par \par About ERCO\par \par The ERCO Light Factory in Lüdenscheid is a leading international specialist in architectural lighting using LED technology. The family business, founded in 1934, now operates as a global player with over 60 subsidiaries, branches and agencies in over 40 countries worldwide. Since 2015 ERCO's portfolio has been 100% LED. Inspired by "light digital" as its leitmotif, ERCO in Lüdenscheid develops, designs and produces digital luminaires with focus on photometrics, electronics and design. Working closely with architects, lighting designers and engineers, ERCO develops lighting tools used primarily for applications in the following fields: Work, Shop, Culture, Community, Hospitality, Living, Public and Contemplation. ERCO understands digital light as the fourth dimension of architecture - providing highly precise and efficient lighting solutions to support creative designers in turning their visions into reality.\par \par If you require any further information on ERCO or image material, please visit us at www.erco.com/presse. We can also provide you with material on projects worldwide for your media coverage.}}